If you think going back to work on Mondays after the weekend is hard, try going back after a vacation! Five days without work and going back in this morning was brutal. Half asleep and annoyed do not make for good conversation. I'm pretty sure I saw the back of my eye lids more at my desk than in bed last night. It was bad.
But I managed to make it through, keeping an eye on the time all day long. It's funny how at first, the mornings used to drag on, my day picking up in the afternoons after lunch was over. But now it's seemed to flip. Mornings go by faster and then halt goes the clock and suddenly I'm working for what feels like an hour only to see that it's only been ten minutes. What?!
I have fun things in the works for being posted tomorrow. In honor of TUESDAY, guess what? I'm bringing back Tuesday Ten! Yes! I'm so excited and you should be too! Honestly, I'll take suggestions for Tuesday Ten material because you know, 52 Tuesday Tens a year is a lot. I need to get brainstorming.
For now, I'll curl up with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets until I've fallen into a literature coma. Goodnight!