Getting Lost
Hello all! How many times have I been back with a blog? This will be the fourth time, right? Well, let's go with fourth time's a charm, because I'm back for good. I have big plans for this blog. Big plans! Actually, I just have a half a sheet page in a notebook with a few blog post ideas, and a big hankerin' for writing lately. But that's how we'll start!
So, it's been awhile since I've done this and I can remember my first blog way back in 2010. I kept that up for a solid... two years, I want to say. I miss it. I miss being able to just log on and write to my heart's content. To vent. To inspire. To make people (and myself, let's be honest here) laugh. So here I am again.
I figured for my hello again post, I'd share with everyone what's been going on this week. And it's been a lot! So hold on to your bench seat, boys, this one's a long one!
For those that don't know, Gentry (that's Bestfriend, fyi) and I were supposed to go to Charleston, South Carolina, this week. Leave Wednesday evening, that way we had all day Thursday, Friday, and Saturday for fun, then come home today. We had so many plans! Go to Folley Beach, visit Magnolia Plantation (where I am bound and determined to get married one day), shop on King Street, take a picture in front of Pineapple Fountain, hunt down Bill Murray (he took my picture once, in case you didn't know*). It was all leading up to the fun-filled 90's night with Sister Hazel and Hootie and the Blowfish.
However, my poor blonde sister got sick, and not just a cough/cold put-some-windex-on-it-and-you'll-be-fine sick, but actually sick. Poor thing was in and out of BetterMed, going to the hospital for a CT scan, and trying to figure out what's wrong sick. Not fun. So after holding out hope that maybe she might feel up to it, we finally decided that driving five hours to an unfamiliar city probably wasn't the best idea and let Hootie go and decided to stay home so she could cocoon herself in bed at home for the rest of the week/weekend.
So I thought about it. And after careful consideration (ha!) I came to the conclusion that I was off work anyway, so why not just stay home for a stay-cation? Wednesday is my usual day off from work anyway, so I cleaned the house, hung out, got two things I'd ordered online from two different places, so it felt like a mini-Christmas. One of which turned out to be the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Illustrated book. I read it in two days. I forgot how small the book is compared to the other books. The second gift I received was the koozies I'd ordered for me and Gen for when we go to the beach in October.
So Wednesday was half work-half play. And Thursday was exciting because not only did I join this generation and upgrade to a new iPhone 6s. I finally got Touch ID! It's the little things in life, friends. But I also got to watch my cousin graduate from police academy. He's now a full-fledged police officer and I know he's just waiting for the day he gets to pull one of his family members over. It's probably going to be my brother. Graduation was followed by family dinner at Firebirds, and if you've never eaten there, my friends, you are missing out. Number one, their Jack's Honey Peach Tea cocktail is enough to write home about. And the chicken something sandwich I had nearly caused a heart attack. But the good kind, you know.
It was fun.
Friday, I did nothing, except go visit my old work and see some people I haven't seen in a long time. I miss my kids and coworkers. It was so much fun to catch up. And just like I said before, the little things make me happy. One of my old kids came over and asked what time it was. I pulled the dad card and said, "Time for you to get a watch". If my kids know me at all, it's not to ask Miss Lindsey for the time, because that's the only answer they'd get.
We're almost to the end folks, but if you'd like to have a small stretch break, we'll continue with the next line...
Saturday was a lazy day for the most part. I really just gave my room a quick cleaning, which just meant moving all of my clothes from the floor into the hamper, and just clearing off my dresser that was piled with stuff, putting them in their respectable places. And then I proceeded to read for the remainder of the day. Honestly, starting at ten-thirty in the morning and only stopping for lunch, I finished the book at six, right before I was leaving to go to dinner with my friend Jordan. It was one of those books you just couldn't put down because you absolutely had to find out the ending. I'll actually be doing a book review on it later this week because apparently I have a lot to say about it. So be looking for that, I guess.
Last night was fun -- dinner with Jordan, Mexican again, because that's our thing. A much needed trip to Target, dodging a thunderstorm and then seeing Bad Moms. Hilarious. I'm really digging this whole raunchy women comedies thing we have going on.
And now we've finally reached today! Breathing a sigh of relief yet? I am!
This morning was great. I managed to drag my butt out of bed, get to church, finally see Gen after like two weeks. (We have a co-dependent friendship, okay? We don't go that long without seeing one another.) And then lunch with the girls, and a very successful Barnes and Noble trip where I topped off my Harry Potter collection (because I was randomly missing the first and third books?) and when impulsively bought this little baby in the check out line!
Gorgeous, isn't it?! Yes, I'm aware it's for children. And it's mostly for decoration, meant to sit on a coffee table and bring out thoughtful conversations, but I'm going to read it because I can. Arthurian legend has always been my favorite in addition to Greek Mythology. So this just starts my collection, I guess? We'll see!
Hope I didn't run anyone off with my novel of a post today. But then again, it's a blog, so if you didn't come here to read, then I don't know what you expected to find.
Tomorrow I go back to the daily grind, so I'll be preparing for that. The Monday back to work after the weekend is bad enough, I can't imagine how I'll feel after having five days off. Well, here goes.
*I had to put a little note down here to let everyone know, Bill Murray did not take my picture once. It was a feeble attempt to get my aunts to believe he did when they weren't around, the last time we were in Charleston.