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Another Wednesday Gone

By 8:38:00 PM

As I sit here watching First Wives Club, one of my favorite movies, by the way, I realize that I forgot to do a Tuesday Ten again. It didn't even register that yesterday was Tuesday, I'm so sorry y'all. Tonight I figured I'd just play catch up again. 

It's crazy how much adulting I did today! Woke up and went to get dog food, paid all my bills, balanced my check book (yes, I actually do that), cleaned the bathroom, kitchen, and then rewarded myself with fast food for lunch and then reading Harry Potter all afternoon. I'd call that a successful day! 

The weekend was fun! You already saw where I'd made cupcakes with Gen and then Saturday night we went to the Goochland Drive In for a 21+ night! It was amazing. Not that I don't love kids, because anyone who knows me knows I do, but it was so nice to not have them all running around all night like the last time we went. Drive in was fun. Adults only with a showing of Bad Moms (hilarious) and then Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates. That was funny too, but it was one of those movies that I'll probably never watch again, even as much as I love Adam Devine. But it was fun! Good movies, good friends, good food (and wine) and even though we were dead tired by the time it was over, it was worth it! Enjoy the pictures! 

Aren't we all so cute? Yes, yes we are. 

I've been working on my bullet journal. Not as much as I thought I would, I really need to make it a point to use it every day. And I will. I just happened to be so focused on designing it, that I stuffed it in a bag and forgot about it? Go figure. But tonight I've been adding more to it and putting ideas together for a fun project that should be making its way to the blog in a little bit. As soon as I get my hands on a printer. Trying to think if I want to dig out my printer from school and hook it back up, or just borrow Nana & Papa's. Hmmm, we'll see. 

Until next time, y'all! 

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